Accidentally, Phil Spencer may have revealed that more than one new Xbox is coming

The matter of having more than one next-generation Xbox in the festive season is still somewhat mysterious, but it seems that the slip of the tongue, head of the Xbox department at Microsoft Full Spencer, has revealed that.


In an interview with IGN, the president of Xbox F Spencer stated that with the launch of the Xbox series Microsoft X you will take a big step in this field, but the interesting thing is that he said that Microsoft would do that “when launching home appliances” Yes, he indicated to the next generation in the plural form (Taken by GameSpot) As if Microsoft would launch more than one device and not just one device, this could be a slip of the tongue, but it could also be that Spencer simply got it wrong and unintentionally revealed it.

This is not the first time that Microsoft hinted that there is more than one coming device from the Ceres X category and we have seen in the recent review by some media for the Xbox from the inside the emergence of the Anaconda logo on the main board of the Xbox series X, and this may correspond to the rumors that have spoken in The former said that Microsoft possesses two versions of the first-generation device, the first will be the strongest and most expensive, and the internal name will be “Anaconda”, while the other will be the least powerful and least expensive, and will carry the name “Lockhart.” Note that Microsoft did not mention these names before, and therefore the logo appeared on the board. Spokes series X during the review comes to confirm these rumors indirectly.

Perhaps revealing the version of the less expensive Xbox is the secret weapon that Microsoft is still hiding to face the price that Sony will unveil for the Playstation 5, which is expected to be significantly different from the price of the Xbox X series.

What are your expectations, and do you think that Microsoft will offer two copies of the Xbox series X at varying prices, or will you only launch one version?

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