Today, we are thrilled to announce that we are taking it a step further in our goal of unifying our console communities. 


The new Cross-Party Play feature is going to be implemented with Update 6.2, granting the power for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players to party up together. Now, you won’t just be matched against players on the opposite platform, but you’ll be ready to party up and drop as a squad.

With Cross-Party Play, you’ll be able to:

1- Party up with players on other console platforms.
2- Search for, friend, and/or invite players on other console platforms.
3- Mute players from other console platforms within the lobby and through a match.
4- Join an equivalent custom match created on either platform.

The Friends list is receiving an overhaul with Cross-Party Play. counting on the platform that you simply play on, you’ll see your Xbox Live or PlayStation+ Friends at the highest, with Friends from the opposite platform indicated under “PUBG Friends.”

Friends List
Friends List

It’s here that you’ll be ready to search, friend, block, and invite players from both consoles. additionally, you’ll see a Recent tab that displays players who you latterly played with.

Pubg Friends
Pubg Friends

Before we conclude, we wanted to point out you a sweet infographic with facts and data about Cross-Platform Play that you simply won't have known.


We hope you enjoyed the recent takes from Cross-Platform Play! Now, gather your friends on both Xbox and PS4 because it’s time to party like never before and drop into the Battlegrounds together.

Source : Site Official PUBG