Next-generation games may be revealed sooner than planned after E3 2020 is canceled.

This year was different from what we are accustomed to when it comes to video games or everything else as the COVID-19 epidemic caused almost everything to be postponed and canceled in addition to taking many lives. One of the things we all love and will not come this year is the E3 2020 exhibition that we have been waiting for. It reveals many games for the next and current generation. Also, we were waiting to know more details about the new generation of Playstation and Xbox devices, and it seems that we will get them sooner than planned.
Playstation and Xbox
PS5 and Xbox X

Famous analyst Daniel Ahmed is known for his experience and sources in the video game industry we shared on Twitter that after the E3 2020 event was canceled, a lot of the planned ads were moved from that week and some of them are coming sooner than usual and some will come late and some are still coming during that period. At the end of the first tweet, he told us that the first look at the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X games will be "much sooner." But he also added in a separate tweet that due to the current circumstances, plans may change in the last few minutes, and for this reason, we do not know what will happen.

In another news, we learned that Sony and Microsoft are preparing for a special event next May, according to what was reported on the VGC website, but this event may be affected by the delay due to the continued Corona epidemic and an impact on the industry, although Sony or Microsoft have not confirmed this event yet.

In case we want to speculate a little, we can say that the disclosure of the Playstation 5 will be in the next two months so that game studios can reveal their games and they are working on new devices, but there is nothing official yet. What is the most enthusiastic thing about the new generation? Share the comments below!

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