Is there a secret Sony has hidden from us in the new Playstation 5 DualSense arm ?!

Sony recently unveiled the PlayStation 5 arm that is now DualSense, not DualShock 5 as we expected and it seems that choosing this name came based on the characteristics of the unit that will make the player merge with all his senses with his games on the Playstation 5, but the question that may come to mind is a lot why Sony Didn't you show us the dualSense form from the back?
Playstation 5
Playstation 5

When Sony reviewed DualSense through the review report, which was published suddenly through the official Playstation Blog, we only showed two pictures, the first for the front side and the second side only, while the backside of the unit was not reviewed, so did this come about on purpose?

We do not deny that the DualSense unit has received a lot of modifications to the shape as it has become thicker than the previous so that the user can feel more comfortable during play and also the crystal buttons were used in the same design as the PS Vita buttons and move away from the use of colors on the movement buttons as is the case with DualShock 4 And contented with gray, it was also designed in black and white and for the first time abandoned the black color.

Playstation 5
Playstation 5

Also in the side view, we noticed that the unit abandoned some bends while the L / R buttons became larger and more prominent, but Sony stopped here and did not reveal to us the backside, and this may be for two reasons:

The first: There is nothing worth highlighting because the backside is free from any changes, functional or even formal additions, and this prompted Sony not to shed light on it, and this is possible.

Second: Sony is still hiding another surprise that you want to use in an advanced stage of the device detection process so that as usual it surprises us with more big changes to the console such as adding Pedal buttons that are adjustable to its function according to the player’s desire so that it is similar to the professional control units that come from the party companies the third.

This is not excluded, especially since many of the rumors that were issued before that talk about that Sony will work to add new buttons on the back of the Playstation 5 console, and this coincided with the launch of a new accessory for DualShock 4 that enables the player to obtain more programmable and adjustable buttons.

Playstation 5
Playstation 5

With any of the reasons we mentioned above consistent, do you think Sony's failure to display the dual-side back of the DualSense unit is intentional or that there is nothing worthy of it to be reviewed for?

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