See what the PUBG: Vikendi map looks like with dinosaurs at the start of Season 7 ..

PUBG game continues to shine globally, especially in light of the current situation that the entire population of the world is going through, the game servers are fixed and many of us are waiting for the game to overcome boredom, and today the game-based company has published a new show that informs players in the form of Vikendi map after updating the seventh season .


Vikendi map is one of the most important maps of the PUBG game and the most popular among the players. Therefore, the company and the game's developers know exactly what interests the player and what makes him satisfied with the game and without any lengths. Watch the map look how it will look with the update of the seventh season of the game.

In every update that the game receives, we are surprised by the beauty of the appearance of its graphics and its realism, and also, since this kind of games welcomes millions of fans, it is normal to have some errors and this is what these updates do besides improving the graphics, but the update of the seventh season will be very special, as it will witness many Surprises, including new vehicles and new areas, are entirely the other, visiting the game for the first time, and most importantly, the presence of dinosaurs ..!

Currently, as we see above, the update for the PC has been launched in the PTS test servers in preparation for its launch on the rest of the platforms in the coming weeks, what is your opinion of the new map appearance ..!?

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